
Rko out of no where
Rko out of no where

rko out of no where rko out of no where

He’s a serious heel, and this meme has made lots of people smile. The only issue with these ideas is Orton’s disposition. Perhaps even a series of comedy bits on WWE.com in which Randy Orton goes around giving the RKO to random people… out of nowhere? It could even be made an Orton catch phrase, prompting crowds to chant along and get more involved with his character. One would think that an “Out of Nowhere” T-shirt would be a no brainer (I’m actually surprised they haven’t already produced one). So far their response was making their own Vine, playing off the embarrassing slip of The Shockmaster. The difference between that meme and this one is the direct involvement of a superstar, in this case Randy Orton. The only question is how will WWE choose to capitalize? Usually in these situations WWE tends to just provide the viewer with a throw away gag of some sort, like the Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins “Ice Bucket Challenge” skit on Raw a few weeks ago. Still Buffalo has control take a time consuming drive all the way into titans territory Field goal.We all know that WWE tries to stay current on what’s trending on social media, so it’s hard to believe that someone within the company hasn’t been made aware of these videos and how popular they’re becoming. So here’s how the game plays out we are getting blown the fuck out in the first half And a miss to field goals score a seemingly meaningless touchdown at the end of the first half to make it I don’t know 28-10…We get the ball go down and score 28-17 no big deal The bills answer but stall in the red zone kick a field goal 31-17… we do nothing for the next couple of drive Back and forth exchange of punts as both team drop crucial third down passes…Our first drive in the fourth quarter that started in the end of the third-quarter ends in a field goal 31-20 no problem for the bills they march down the field and look poised to score and put the game away… Jack rabbit somehow get a pic in the end zone and it becomes Derrick Henry time we drive down the field again on his back touchdown missed the extra point because titans 31-26. I we won it looked like we were gonna get put through the table but reverse the move at the last second and put them through the table

Rko out of no where